Андрій Данчук | Дві категорії людей | Християнська проповідь
Андрій Данчук | Дві категорії людей | Християнська проповідь
Пасхальний Вірш - "Христос Воскрес" - Автор Андрій Данчук
Пасхальне Служіння - Проповідь Пастор Петро Поліщук
"Go and do likewise"
Good Samaritan Ministries is a non-profit organization that provides various forms of assistance to those in need, including food, shelter, and counseling. We serve in different countries of the world. USA, Ukraine, Italy, Switzerland, Transnistria, Russia, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama and Cuba. Our goal is to preach God's word - the Gospel through the ministry of mercy. God is giving the opportunities to open churches, bakeries, orphanages, and houses for families who need it.
Through these ministries, God has blessed thousands of people who accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. They have repented and entered into the covenant with God through the act of water baptism.
Mission statement of "Good Samaritan"
"Go and do likewise"